Asbestos-related issues
Asbestos, a naturally occurring material, is a general term for many silicate-based fibrous minerals. The fiber, widely used in the industry and construction, has many technical and chemical characteristics.
Due to the many and varied characteristics of asbestos, it has been used in many areas and is found in about 4000 products.
Nevertheless, a problem appears concerning these fibers. Other characteristics of these fibers are their size and their bio-persistence in the body exceeding 100 years. The asbestos fibers have the particularity of being very fine, making them dangerous for the health in that to of exposure to these last ones during works.
Banned since 2005, buildings or houses built or renovated before this date are susceptible to possess asbestos and can cause an exposure to the fibers in case of degradation of the applications.
To remedy this risk of exposure to these fibers during work or in daily life, Luxcontrol accompanies you in the search and treatment of asbestos in your home or industry.
Our services
▼ Asbestos detection in buildings or homes with sampling
▼ Realization of measurements of ambient air
▼ Analysis of samples for the determination of asbestos
▼ Monitoring of asbestos removal works as an approved Control Organism
Besoin d'un autre service ou de plus d'informations ? Contact us
Asbestos detection in buildings or homes with sampling
In case of demolition or renovation, an asbestos survey of the transformed parts is necessary before the cleaning to avoid exposure of workers or individuals to carcinogenic fibers.
An asbestos survey consists of taking samples of materials that may be potentially asbestos-containing, such as tile adhesives, joints, floor coverings, glues, plasters and other applications used in infrastructure. These samples are then analyzed in the laboratory to determine the presence or absence of fibers.
This type of mission includes the taking of samples on site, the analyses and the delivery of a report of asbestos detection gathering the various taken materials, the places of these samplings, their natures, the various potential remarks on the mission and a recommendation of removal.
It is also possible to come and take one or more samples without being part of an asbestos survey. In this case, it is a question of taking samples of target materials and limited to the client's request. This mission includes the taking of the sample(s), the analyses in the laboratory and the delivery of an analysis report of the samples.
If you wish the Asbestos service to carry out one of these missions, Contactez-nous
Realization of measurements of ambient air
In case of deterioration of an asbestos application and suspicion of airborne fiber contamination, ambient air measurements can be performed to determine the airborne fiber concentration.
These measurements are taken in accordance with VDI 3492 (Messen von Innenraumluftverunreinigungen, Messen von Immissionen, Messen anorganischer faserförmiger Partikeln).
If you wish the Asbestos service to carry out this work, Contactez-nous
Analysis of samples for the determination of asbestos
Since 1990 Luxcontrol is active as an independent testing laboratory in the field of asbestos analysis and offers you all common tests for the analysis of material samples, dust samples, air samples from ambient air measurements and workplace measurements, liquids as well as road surfaces, asphalt and rock samples for asbestos.
If you wish the Asbestos Department to analyze samples taken by you, Contactez-nous
Monitoring of asbestos removal works as an approved Control Organism
In conformity with the Règlement grand-ducal du 4 juillet 2007 portant modification du règlement grand-ducal modifié du 15 juillet 1988 concernant la protection des travailleurs contre les risques liés à une exposition à l’amiante pendant le travail, Mémorial A n° 149, the asbestos removal works carried out in a building (except for asbestos-cement outside such as roofs) must be followed by an approved Control Organism. An approved Control Organism is a control office recognized by the ITM and accredited. The latter is in charge of various missions within the framework of a monitoring of building site:
- Verification and approval of the sanitation methodology (Work Plan)
- Realization of measurements before the installation of the containment (Background measurements) according to the NBN T96-102 ("Echantillonnage et analyse d’air : détermination de la concentration de fibres nocives dans l’air")
- Reception of the work area
- Daily monitoring of the work site with checks on working conditions, compliance with regulations and air measurements according to NBN T96-102 ("Echantillonnage et analyse d’air : détermination de la concentration de fibres nocives dans l’air")
- Visual test inside the confined area after cleaning the area
- Carrying out of zone release measurements according to VDI 3492 (Messen von Innenraumluftverunreinigungen, Messen von Immissionen, Messen anorganischer faserförmiger Partikeln)
- Carrying out area restitution measurements after the containment has been withdrawn in accordance with VDI 3492 (Messen von Innenraumluftverunreinigungen, Messen von Immissionen, Messen anorganischer faserförmiger Partikeln)
- Drawing up a report on the follow-up of the construction site.
If you wish the asbestos service to carry out the mission of monitoring the asbestos removal work, Contactez-nous